Monday, November 5, 2012

Friends of Our Fine Feathers

I do not believe that we have shared with you some of our other critters.  All seem to get along really well with the chickens (at least the ones who interact with them).

This is Louie.  He is our indoor/outdoor cat.  The neighborhood cat
who found our laps.  He actually does not pay any attention
to the chickens.

Patty with Louie

This is Maggie (full name, Steel Magnolia).  She lives in the bunny
hutch next to the chicken coop.  She is a cross between the rabbits
breed of Chincilla and Giant Angora.  One big girl!!

When we got her, several years ago, her ears were the length
of her body.

Patty with the best dog ever, Oliver!  He is our 8-year-old
pound puppy, a Lab-Chow mix.  He only pays attention to
the chickens if we are paying attention to them rather than him.

Princess Mia! 'nuf said.
(our indoor cat - no chicken interaction)

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