Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My, What a Big Comb You Have!

So, Patty was looking at the birds while talking on the phone.
She noted, "one of our chicken's comb and waddle is so much larger than the others."
The friend on the other end, who has chickens, said, "are you sure she is not a he?"

Well, we were not sure.
So we sent the following photo to the place where we had gotten our pullets.
Great pic of everyone looking at the camera!

Unfortunately, they identified that, yes indeed, Rose, our Buff Orpington, is a rooster!
So, we changed his name to Rory, and set up a time to take him back to the farm where we got him.
We are not able to keep a rooster... we don't need fertile eggs or crowing at 4am!

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