Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Chickens Have Arrived!!

We ended up not getting hens that are already laying, nor ones that are all the same breed.  Once we got there, we saw a pen of various pullets, and decided that we wanted birds that could grow with us.  They are three-months-old and should begin laying around six-months-old.  We have a lot to learn and these young ladies will help us.
"Martha" (speckled) - Barred Rock

"Amelia," Cherry Egger, demonstrating how the waterer works;
"Rose" - Buff Orpington (background)

"Donna" - Australorp

Trying to capture moving birds in a still mode is difficult.

A better view of the Buff Orpington (right)

The coop next to our shed.
Note the frame on the bottom, on which is rests.
The birds love being able to scratch in the compost!

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