Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Outing!

The girls enjoyed some time out of the coop today... and we had family around for the holidays to be able to enjoy them. 

Enjoying time out of the pens

We even had a chance for our family to hang out with them. 

Josiah pets Martha, who hopped up on the pen right on cue.

Ben ventures forth to pet Martha.  He was concerned she would peck.
None of the girls peck at people, unless they think you have food.

Chasing around the yard.... They don't like the dreaded white towel.

Donna, Amelia and Rosie around our fire pit.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What's a nesting box?

This view shows part of our coop.  The nesting box sticks out on the right side.

This is what it looks like when it is opened.  This was what I saw this afternoon.

Open the little door for inside ... and surprise!

Yep, three beautiful eggs there this afternoon
Why use a nesting box?  :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Simple Update

So, after laying for about 3 weeks, we have received 55 eggs! We average 3 or 4 eggs each day. 

Since it was nice out, and not too cold, I had the girls out in there little 'play pen.'  They are so big!

Donna, Amelia, Rosie, and Martha.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

4-Egg Day

Today we got eggs from all four of our hens!  Of course, Amelia, our most inquisitive bird, has to tap all of them with her beak.  I am pretty sure she checked out the one she laid ... so diligently that she cracked it!

Amelia's egg -- she is overly curious.

Aren't they beautiful!  We got our first 'medium' egg on 12/9/2012.
45 eggs retrieved to date!